BPCL’s Shri Krishna Wins his 4th junior Billiards title in a row

    S. Shri Krishna was in top form even as he completed the formality of winning the Juniors billiards title, winning all his round- Robin billiards league matches.
    Krishna playing in his usual mesmerizing manner notched up breaks of 90,130,68,65,126 and 99 points in the two hour billiards exhibition.
    Shri Krishna won his last engagement against Sparsh Pherwani of Maharashtra by a huge margin of 989-338 points in the two hours game for
    the Juniors nationals billiards title.
    Rayaan Razmi, the rising son of the ” Green baize”- in Maharashtra beat Digvijay Kadian of Haryana by 554-461 points having impressive breaks of 86 and 91 in the process of becoming the Runners- up in the competition.
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