typhoon situation in Tamil Nadu heavy rains


4th December

Dear Players

This communication is in continuation with my morning message to you all.
Plz be informed that met department of TN is hopeful that torrential rains would stop by night today and then the government would start working on pumping the logged water.

As the information reaching to me venue is safe, but internal road of the stadium is waterlogged, and therefore will take one day, i.e. tomorrow to make the road walkable.

Team TNBSA is working very hard to tackle the calamity in the best possible way.

So in all fairness the games should resume by day after i.e. 6th December.

The BSfI is working with the chief referee to reschedule the matches and timings, if need be, change in the format can also be done, in order to make up the two lost days.

I will again come back to you tomorrow morning for an update.

Stay safe,

With warm regards

Sunil Bajaj
Secy General
BSfI 🇮🇳🇮🇳

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