Latest Updates on the Tamilnadu Typhoon Situation


8/30 am

5th December


Dear Players, refrees, official and well wishers



Am pleased to inform you that the peak of the cyclone effect has passed.


It’s with sunlight the day has begun in chennai, water has started receding and the TNBSA team in coordination with BSfI is at work.


In case as the situation looks like at the moment, we can hope to start the games by tomorrow.


The stranded players, referees are being reached by TNBSA with breakfast and medicines.

Hopefully all should be close to normal by the day end today.


BSfI will take a call during the day, for additional venues, change in play formats and any other step so required to conclude the games smoothly under this situation.


Wishing good day to all of you.

Warm Regards

Jai Hind 🇮🇳🇮🇳

Latest Updates on the Tamilnadu Typhoon Situation

Sunil Bajaj

Secy General


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